Just Checking In

Happy Sunday Guys, I don’t have much to say writing related. So, I just wanted to check in with you guys to see how you are all doing. How has your week been? How is your writing going? Have you made any progress? What about reading? Have you read anything new? Did you set anyContinue reading “Just Checking In”

Don’t Break The Chain

So, one of my subscribers over on YouTube told me about a challenge called, “Don’t Break The Chain”. Basically with this challenge you are supposed to write everyday. That is the gist of it. I’m not sure if there are other rules, but write everyday. That is all that I am reminding myself of. WriteContinue reading “Don’t Break The Chain”

Getting Friends and Family Support

Hey 133 Followers, This week I want to talk about the role friends and family play in your success. Anyone who knows me knows that I’ve wanted nothing else but to be in the entertainment industry. My first passion is acting and it has been since I was three years old. Writing was a happyContinue reading “Getting Friends and Family Support”

Review: The Viscount’s Christmas Temptation By Erica Ridley

   A cute and fun romance. Lady Amelia Ravenwood is ready to take a husband so that her brother, the Duke, will feel it’s okay to take a wife. She has chosen several prospects and needs an event to entertain them all. When the Viscount Benedict Sheffield’s Christmas party is cancelled, she works to haveContinue reading “Review: The Viscount’s Christmas Temptation By Erica Ridley”

Lazy, Lazy Girl

   Hello Followers, Day four since my self imposed unemployment and I have done nothing and I mean nothing. Well, that’s not entirely true. I did outline my third book and I’ve done some light, light writing but I think I am enjoying not having to get up and go to the “office”. I shouldContinue reading “Lazy, Lazy Girl”

What Is This I’m Feeling?

Hello Followers,    It has been two days since I walked away from my job. I did everything right. I even gave them more than two weeks. Today when I should have driven to work after I dropped my mother off at her job, I drove home. I should feel weird right? I’ve worked thisContinue reading “What Is This I’m Feeling?”

Show Vs Tell

Hey Love Bugs, Many new authors struggle with the show vs tell aspect of writing a book. When do you show and when do you tell? What is showing and telling? What is showing and telling? Showing is when you describe the hell out of a character, location or emotional. Pretty much anything. I readContinue reading “Show Vs Tell”